Friday, March 20, 2009


A couple of weeks ago I went to get my hair colored like I do every couple of months.  Well, let me just say it was not what I was expecting this time.  My friend Meredith does my hair, and she is really good at it I might add.  But, I had been complaining that my hair has been turning gold couple of weeks after I have it done.  Yes, I am a complainer when it comes to my hair.  Sometimes, I feel like my hair is the only thing I have left.  I am getting wrinkles, some cellulite, and I still have a slight cupcake over my jeans even though my baby is 2 1/2 so my hair is my staple.  I know that is so stupid and blah, blah, blah, but I can be dramatic that way.  Anyway, so Meredith decided to try something different this time to cut the brassy look I was getting after a couple of weeks.  Well, this is what it turned out like....RED/PINK!!!  Oh my, it was hilarious!  She stripped a lot of it out, but it was still there.  So, instead of doing another highlight over it and breaking my hair off, I decided to opt with brown for a few weeks.  Yes, I said it BROWN!  I haven't had brown hair since I was pregnant with Jake and was so psycho that I wouldn't color it.  All that being said, it really hasn't been bad.  I still have a few highlights in it, and it has lightened up quite a bit after washing it.  But, I will be going back blonde in a few days.  Brown hair, it has been fun  but I will be leaving you again!  I don't think I will go back to my really blonde days, but blonde is where I will stay!  I know this is crazy and so superficial, but sometimes a girl just gets that way about certain things.  My thing is my hair.  Don't hate me for it!!!


Our Cunningham Crew said...

I wish I could see the pink. That is great. I have hopped back and forth as well but the blonde keeps coming back. I feel like myself. I like yours blonde too. Hopeto see you soon!

Erin said...

oh i am cracking up. :) i bet you were like OH MY GOSH!!! we will be in nashville april 10 - 14 - i hope you guys can stop by j and b's