Saturday, August 9, 2008

Me time!

Well, today marks the fifth day my hubby has been out on the road.  Since we try to keep our limit without daddy to five days, you can imagine I needed some "me" time.  This morning when I woke up I almost had forgotten that I had scheduled someone last week to come and watch the kiddos for a couple of hours today.  "Almost" being the key word here!  We have had a pretty uneventful week up until yesterday.  The boys decided to declare yesterday "whine and cry day".  It was lots of fun! Ms. Tara arrived this morning at 9:30 am with a smile on her face.  I was already feeling better!  The boys LOVE Ms. Tara.  She is the kind of girl that gets down on the floor and plays with them.  Anyway, I decided to take some "me" time instead of running errands like I usually do.  I went running, got a pedicure, and had lunch by myself at the park.  It was LOVELY!!!  I realize now more than ever that I need to take time more often to just stop.  I always seem to fill up my days with the kids, the hubby, the computer, the TV, and I don't take much time to just listen.  I might be able to hear God a little better if life wasn't so crazy all of the time.  Hello, I have heard sermon after sermon about this, but haven't applied it very much.  I guess now is a good time to start!

1 comment:

Kari said...

Me time is so important! Props to you for doing that for yourself. The good news is school starts soon! Lots of me time. :)